
Having been born and raised in Zimbabwe, my love for Africa is a given. I love Africa for its people, its culture, its diversity, its strength in the face of natural and man made adversities but mostly for its potential. To me, Africa represents the future…

I moved to England in 2002 and like many, I have had to make it my home. It has been a somewhat interesting journey with both challenges and triumphs.

My blog’s name was inspired by a project on prisoners that I have been working on. Many a time, it feels like Africa is like a prisoner on remand, locked behind barbed wire, hidden from the rest of world, almost forgotten and forsaken, castigated for a crime that is alleged. Behind the fence, in the dark, you are desperately looking for the key to unlock the gate to freedom. You have hope. Barbed Hope.

On here, I will share my thoughts, my frustrations, my wishes and my ideas regarding the development of my homes.

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